Suffering from Vicodin addiction or know a loved one who is? Here we go into detail about Vicodin addiction, various treatments available for you and how you can benefit from going to treatment for your Vicodin addiction.
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Vicodin when misused correctly can be a powerful drug, it is a prescription drug prescribed by doctors with set instructions on how much to use and when to use it that should be followed to the tee. It is used to manage and relieve pain that the patient may feel through a medical condition or injury.
Vicodin makes up of both acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is an opioid medication and a narcotic while acetaminophen helps relieve minor pain and raises the level of effects of hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is most famously known as ‘Vicodin.’ and it can come in both oral and tablet forms for consumption.
Why Is Vicodin Addictive?
Vicodin contains hydrocodone, which is used by the medical profession as an opioid medication and the acetaminophen inside it boots the hydrocodone effects. These effects can cause people to get hooked on the drug over time despite it being used to manage pain.
The most common causes of Vicodin addiction comes from patients who have been prescribed the drug and had no intention of getting addicted to the drug but after a while of using the drug, they have started to build up a dependency that they need to use the drug in order to feel ‘normal’ and function throughout the day. Once they stop taking the drug completely they will find themselves craving the drug or suffering withdrawal symptoms.
If you have started to suspect that you are building an addiction or suffering from withdrawal symptoms from Vicodin then it’s crucial that you take action before the worst happens and seek out rehabilitation treatment.
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Cause Of Vicodin Addiction
Before a doctor prescribes Vicodin to a patient, they will undergo a risk assessment on a number of factors such as health, risk of addiction on the files they have and many more. Healthcare providers are under a legal obligation to monitor the patients who have received the drug, the reason for this is that they will be able to spot any addictive behaviours and stop them before it gets serious.
There is always a risk when taking drugs that it could lead to addiction even if they are safe and medically prescribed by professionals as there is a number of reasons people could lead a life of addiction such as personal/family history of abusing drugs, suffering from poor mental health and consuming the drug with another substance such as alcohol.
There are also common causes for addiction such as the person’s genetics, current environment and brain chemistry. In some cases, a high-risk person may need to be prescribed Vicodin but they should undertake counselling from specialists about the correct amount of the drug to take and the dangers of abusing the drug.
Signs Of Vicodin Addiction
The signs of a Vicodin addiction will vary between the user for a couple of reasons, how much the user is currently taking, the period of time they’ve been using the drug and other factors such as physical & mental health history.
There are common signs of behaviour that Vicodin addicts will show in their everyday life, looking out for these signs can help you spot if you have an addiction or help a loved one who you suspect is currently suffering from addiction.
- Anxiety
- Frequent Headaches
- Memory Blackouts
- Can’t Focus On Tasks
- Slower Heartbeat
- ‘Doctor Shopping’
- Dizziness
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Obsession With Taking Vicodin
If you suffer from a few of these signs above or someone who you are close to is showing these signs in their everyday life. It is time to seek out help for your Vicodin addiction through rehabilitation treatment.
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What Can Vicodin Addiction Lead To?
When people have been consuming vicodin on a daily basis and have built up an addiction to the drug, vicodin will alter the brain. The parts that are responsible for pain perception and emotional response are heavily altered when consumed frequently overtime. When taking the drug over a period of time, you will start to build a tolerance causing you to consume more of the drug to feel the same effects are before.
People who abuse vicodin can suffer serious consequences in the short-term and long-terms, such as –
- Liver Damage / Failure
- Severe Depression
- Urinary Issues
- Seizures
- Death
- Relationship Loss Of Family & Friends
- Work & School Performance Issues
- Hearing Loss
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Kidney Damage
Frequently Asked Questions
Vicodin’s addiction is a serious problem that affects many people. There are several factors that can contribute to a person becoming addicted to Vicodin. The most common cause of Vicodin addiction is pain, which can be caused by an injury or medical condition. Pain can also be caused by emotional trauma, such as the loss of a loved one. The use of Vicodin for relief from this pain will lead to dependency and eventual addiction in some cases. Another factor that contributes to Vicodin addiction is social influences or pressure from friends or family members who take the drug themselves and may pressure others into taking it as well, especially if they offer it without charge.